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集团还成立了指导委员会,制定多年度/单年度计划并提交董事会批准。董事会由首席执行官领导,负责协调集团的所有计划和运营活动。2017年,两名行业专家加入了斯蒂瓦那托集团的顾问委员会。West Pharmaceutical Services,Inc.的前董事长兼首席执行官Donald E. Morel和Amgen Inc的前执行副总裁/执行官Madhavan Balachandran现在是该内部机构的成员,在与集团愿景、相关的战略主题上为CEO提供支持。顾问委员会每年召开3次会议,就商业机遇、产品组合策略和区域增长提供独立的建议。集团建立了一系列规则并遵照其行事,其中就包括集团的价值观。管理层遵守以上规则,在推进集团目标的过程中同时兼顾利益相关者的利益。

Cav Sergio Stevanato Photo
Cav Sergio Stevanato Photo
塞尔吉奥·斯特瓦纳托 Sergio Stevanato
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乔瓦尼·斯特瓦纳托之子,Stevanato 集团的创始人,塞尔吉奥·斯特瓦纳托从高中时期开始就积极参与到家族企业中。他于1969年毕业于费拉拉大学法学专业,随后担任公司的领导职务。他的职业生涯奉献于家族企业,目前担任该家族企业的名誉主席。为表彰他作为企业家的成就,2007年被意大利共和国总统授予劳动骑士(劳动骑士)勋章。

佛朗哥·斯特瓦纳托 Franco Stevanato
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
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塞尔吉奥·斯特瓦纳托之子,佛朗哥·斯特瓦纳托于1998年毕业于里雅斯特大学政治学专业,并于2015年进修凯洛格管理学院高级管理课程。大学期间,他在法国圣戈班的销售部门获得专业经验。学业完成之后,加入家族企业,最初担任销售职务。多年以来作为 Stevanato 集团的关键人物,是集团长期愿景背后的推动力,愿景包括公司的国际化,从产品多元化到管理流程提升的持续发展,推动持续创新和结构改进。他建立了有效的基础用以支撑决策,促成基于技能的董事会,从而受益于专业知识和具备价值的观点视角,通过这些措施改善了 Stevanato 集团公司的治理。佛朗哥于2010年至2020年担任首席执行官,并于2021年被任命为董事会执行主席。

madhavan balachandran photo
madhavan balachandran photo
马达万·巴拉昌德兰 Madhavan Balachandran
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拥有纽约州立大学布法罗分校化学工程硕士学学位和东卡罗来纳大学工商管理学硕士学位;自 2020 年 9 月以来一直担任mRNA疗法开发公司Nutcracker Therapeutics的首席运营官,在此之前,自 2019 年 8 月起担任ADRx公司的首席执行官,该公司致力于临床前阶段生物技术。更早之前,马达万于2012年8月至2016年7月担任安进公司的执行副总裁兼运营官,并于2017年1月从执行副总裁的位置上退休,自1997年加入公司以来,他在不同管理职位上任职。在安进任职之前,马达万在科普利制药担任领导职务,该公司现隶属于梯瓦制药公司和巴勒斯威康公司,是葛兰素史克公司并购前的前身。马达万目前担任康泰伦特有限公司Catalent Inc.和uniQure NV的董事。自2018年以来一直他任Stevanato集团的董事会成员。

法布里齐奥·博南尼 Fabrizio Bonanni
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Holding a doctorate in chemistry from the University of Florence, Italy, Fabrizio carried out postdoctoral work in physiological chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is an alumnus of the Institute for International Management, Northwestern University, J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management and of the Executive Program in Manufacturing, Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration. He spent 25 years at Baxter International in Italy, Belgium, and the U.S. reaching the positions of corporate vice president Quality System and CVP Regulatory and Clinical Affairs. From 1999 to 2013, he served in senior executive roles at Amgen, including senior vice president, Quality and Compliance and corporate compliance officer, senior vice president, Manufacturing, and executive vice president, Operations. Currently, he is a member of the board of INCOG BioPharma Services. His past board memberships include UCLA’s Technology Development Corporation, XBiotech, where he chaired the Audit Committee, Menarini Biotech, and Theranos, where he chaired the Compliance and Quality Committee. He has been a member of the board of directors of Stevanato Group since 2013.

法比奥·布蒂尼翁 Fabio Buttignon
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Fabio Buttignon (Belluno, 1959) is full professor of Advanced Corporate Finance at the University of Padua. Graduated at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, where he also worked as researcher and associate professor. He has studied and carried out research at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA). He is the author of numerous national and international publications on strategy, finance and company valuation. He is a Chartered Accountant (CPA) and Auditor. He participates in corporate governance in listed and unlisted companies. He is founder and managing partner of Buttignon Zotti Milan & Co., an independent advisory boutique specialized in valuation, mergers and acquisitions, capital raising and financial restructuring. He has been a member of the board of directors of Stevanato Group since 2014.

威廉·费德里奇 William Federici
Independent Director
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威廉拥有罗格斯大学利文斯顿学院经济学学士学位和专业会计工商管理硕士学位,同时是美国注册会计师协会的成员。自2015年以来,威廉在辛纳巴制药有限公司的董事会任职,一直担任审计委员会董事会主席,该公司是美国的一家专业制药上市公司。威廉于2003年加入西部制药服务公司并担任财务总监,直至2018年退休。加入西部制药之前,在公共会计方面,比尔拥有20多年的经验,并主要从业于制药行业。他于2021年5月成为Stevanato 集团的董事会成员。

Karen Flynn
Independent Director
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Karen Flynn has more than 35 years of experience in the pharmaceutical services industry. She retired in October 2023 from the position of President, Biomodalities at Catalent Pharma Solutions, a position she held since April 2023. Prior to this, she was Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer at Catalent until September 2022. She joined Catalent as President, Biologics and Chief Commercial Officer in January 2020 and held that position until October 2021. Before Catalent, Ms. Flynn was Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer for West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. from 2016 to 2019, and served as its President of Pharmaceutical Packaging Systems from 2014 and President of the Americas Packaging Systems business from 2012. Prior to this, she held a number of positions of increasing responsibility in technical, marketing and sales roles.
Ms. Flynn serves on the board of Quanterix Corporation (NASDAQ:QTRX), Sotera Health (NASDAQ: SHC), and a privately held company. She previously served on the boards of Recro Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:SCTL) from September 2015 to January 2020 and Catalent (NYSE:CTLT) from September 2022 to January 2024. She serves on the Board of Trustees for the Franklin Institute. Ms. Flynn holds a Master of Science in Business Administration from Boston University and a Master of Science in Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania. She received her Bachelor of Science in Pre-Professional Studies from the University of Notre Dame.
She has been a member of the board of directors of Stevanato Group since 2024.

Donald Eugene Morel Jr. Photo
Donald Eugene Morel Jr. Photo
小唐纳德·尤金·莫雷尔 Donald Eugene Morel Jr
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Dr. Morel served as Chief Executive Officer of West from 2002 through 2015 and Chairman from 2003-2015. During his tenure revenues tripled and market capitalization increased more than twelve times. West was the top performing healthcare dividend stock on the NYSE over this time period. Prior to being named CEO he served as Chief Operating Officer and President of the Pharmaceutical Systems Division. His career at West started in 1992 as Director of R&D.
From 1984 to 1992 he worked in various positions developing technology for space based remote imaging and the Strategic Defense Initiative. He served as an advisor to NASA on a number of Space Station programs and in 1989 was selected by the Astronaut Office for training as a Mission Specialist. His research has been funded by NASA, the Office of Naval Research, the National Science Foundation, and DARPA.
Dr. Morel completed his undergraduate degree in Engineering at Lafayette College and his graduate studies at Cornell University in Materials Science and Veterinary Medicine and the Darden School of the University of Virginia. He received a D.Sc. (Hons) from Roanoke College.
Dr. Morel serves as a Director of Catalent Corporation (NYSE: CTLT), and the Stevanato Group SpA (NYSE:STVN). He is Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Trustees of the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, PA and also chairs the Foundation Board of the American Oncologic Hospital of the Fox Chase Cancer Center .He is the founder of Progenitor Capital LLC and Chairs the Morel Family Foundation.
He has been a member of the board of directors of Stevanato Group since 2018.

Franco Moro
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Graduating in Chemical Engineering from the University of Padua in 1987, and holding an MBA from SDA Bocconi in Milan, Franco has gained significant experience managing global manufacturing companies for over 30 years. He has worked as plant director of FIS—Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici and then of Cambrex Profarmaco Milano, before taking over as Chief Executive Officer of FIS—Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici from 2010 to 2018. Franco joined Stevanato Group in 2019 as Chief Operating Officer and was appointed to Chief Executive Officer in February 2021 and served until May 2024. He has been a member of the board of directors of Stevanato Group since February 2021.

Luciano Santel
Independent Director
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After graduating in Business Administration at University Ca' Foscari of Venice, he spent his early years in international audit companies like Ernst & Young and Arthur Andersen.
He worked as Finance Director at IVG and then at Rossignol group. In 1996 he became Chief Operating Officer of Retail Brand Alliance (already Casual Corner group Inc.) where he remained until 1999 when he joined Luxottica Group S.p.A. as Vice President International Development. From 2001 to 2009 he was Chief Corporate Officer at Geox S.p.A., whilst in 2009 he became Chief Executive Officer for Stefanel S.p.A. He also served as an Independent Director of Luxottica Group S.p.A. from 2015 to 2020.
In 2013 he joined Moncler as Chief Corporate Officer. He is currently Executive Director of Moncler and Chief Corporate & Supply Officer of the Moncler Group; he is also Manager in Charge pursuant to Article 154-bis of the Consolidated Law on Finance.
He has been a member of the board of directors of Stevanato Group since 2024.

阿尔维斯·斯皮纳齐 Alvise Spinazzi
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1997年毕业于帕多瓦大学法学专业,并获得纽约州福特汉姆大学法学院国际商业和贸易的法学硕士学位。他于2000年在纽约取得律师资格,于2001年在意大利取得律师资格。阿尔维斯在2007年成为帕多瓦SAT律师事务所的创始人,还曾在国际律师事务所辛普森·撒切尔&巴特利特纽约办事处,和基奥门蒂律师事务所意大利米兰办事处从业。自 2011年以来一直是 Stevanato 集团的董事会成员。

保拉·维扎罗 Paola Vezzaro
Independent Director
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毕业于米兰博科尼大学商学院工商管理专业。在米兰大学政治学与社会学获得学士学位。在米兰保拉的卡托利卡大学获得人力资源专业理科硕士学位,拥有丰富的人力资源管理经验,曾在多家大型公司中担任人力资源总监。她于2011年加入苏伊士环,并在那里就任过多个国际管理职位。自 2019年7月以来,她一直担任苏伊士环北欧、南欧和东欧的首席人力资源总监、健康与安全官。自2021年5月以来一直是 Stevanato 集团的董事会成员。

Management Team

佛朗哥·斯特瓦纳托 Franco Stevanato
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
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塞尔吉奥·斯特瓦纳托之子,佛朗哥·斯特瓦纳托于1998年毕业于里雅斯特大学政治学专业,并于2015年进修凯洛格管理学院高级管理课程。大学期间,他在法国圣戈班的销售部门获得专业经验。学业完成之后,加入家族企业,最初担任销售职务。多年以来作为 Stevanato 集团的关键人物,是集团长期愿景背后的推动力,愿景包括公司的国际化,从产品多元化到管理流程提升的持续发展,推动持续创新和结构改进。他建立了有效的基础用以支撑决策,促成基于技能的董事会,从而受益于专业知识和具备价值的观点视角,通过这些措施改善了 Stevanato 集团公司的治理。佛朗哥于2010年至2020年担任首席执行官,并于2021年被任命为董事会执行主席。

Riccardo Butta
President, Americas
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Riccardo Butta holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Politecnico in Milan, a degree in Business Management and Innovation from MIP in Milan and successfully completed the Executive Leadership Development Program from Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. Riccardo was the Senior Vice President of Flex Health Solutions, responsible for the global commercial organization of a Flex business unit providing contract design, manufacturing, and logistics services to the healthcare industry with focus on medical devices, drug delivery solutions, diagnostics and life sciences equipment. During his tenure at Flex, Riccardo was also responsible for the European organization of Flex Health Solutions, for the global device development organization, and for scale-up and management of the design center in Milan. In February 2022 Riccardo joined Stevanato Group as President Americas, overseeing the growth of the Group's in the area, as well as the expansion of the commercial offering around high value products and services

马可·达尔·拉戈 Marco Dal Lago
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1997年毕业于威尼斯大学工商管理学专业。达尔·拉戈先生于2020年1月加入 Stevanato 集团,担任首席财务官。马可在控制、财务、行政、合规和风险管理领域拥有25年的工作经验,曾在跨国工业公司工作,并多年协调规划及并购流程。就他目前的职位,马可负责监督 Stevanato 集团的所有行政、财务和控制事物。

foto P. De Fabritiis apr23
foto P. De Fabritiis apr23
Paolo De Fabritiis
Chief HR Officer
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More than 25 years of international experience in the fast-moving consumer goods industry, both in family business and multinational
listed companies, developing and managing HR business partner organizations and people strategic plans to support the international
growth of the company, both organically and by acquisitions.
Paolo is responsible for developing and executing the Human Resources and Organization strategy to support Stevanato Group Business Plan and strategic direction, focusing on talent management, change management, organizational and performance development processes, succession planning, diversity & inclusion, while fostering Values & Guiding Principles adoption and Customer Centricity promotion.

Ugo Gay
Chief Operations Officer
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Graduated from the Economics School of Turin and the Administrative School of Milan, he holds over 30 years of solid and diverse international management experience in the pharmaceutical and diagnostics industry. Ugo began his career in the family business in 1985. In 1995, he moved to Istituto Biologico Chemioterapico di Torino, where he became CEO of a Group company in 1998. Joining Diasorin in 2000 as Sales Director for the Italian market, he held various positions as Vice President on the Board of Assobiomedica and the European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association (EDMA). In 2012, he continued his career within Diasorin's Industrial Operations (EMEA), eventually becoming Senior Vice President of Corporate Industrial Operations in 2019. Following the spin-off of a business unit in July 2022, he assumed the CEO and General Manager role of the new subsidiary, Diasorin Italia S.p.A.. Ugo is currently Vice President of Assobiotec and was appointed Chief Operations Officer of Stevanato Group in March 2024.

毛罗·斯托基 Mauro Stocchi
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1991年毕业于威尼斯大学经济学专业,拥有米兰SDA博科尼商学院的工商管理硕士学位。毛罗的职业生涯开始于德龙公司,随后在西门子集团工作10年。他于2004年加入 Stevanato 集团,2008 年毛罗被提升为首席财务官,同时保留业务发展职责。毛罗自2010年起担任公司总经理一职,直接负责公司的所有事物。他目前是集团的首席商务官,负责业务的战略发展、销售、产品管理、营销与传播以及药物运输系统相关的业务。

Investor Contact

Lisa Miles
Lisa Miles
Lisa Miles
Senior Vice President of Investor Relations
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Graduated in communications from the Pennsylvania State University, with nearly 25 years of investor relations experience, Lisa Miles joined Stevanato Group in 2021. Currently, Lisa serves as Senior Vice President of Investor Relations, acting as the primary contact to the investment community.

Previously, Lisa spent 18 years at Maximus in a variety of management positions, including as a member of the executive committee. In her most recent role at Maximus, Lisa served as senior vice president of investor relations & corporate communications where she was responsible for investor relations, marketing, public relations, corporate communications, and the Company’s global brand strategy. Named to the 2017 and 2018 Institutional Investor’s All America Executive Team for Midcap Investor Relations, Lisa was ranked third for Best Midcap IR Professionals in the Business, Education, and Professional Services sector.

Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics